The Boston Voyager interview

We were recently interviewed by the awesome website/magazine The Boston Voyager, they had some great questions and are doing a really great job discovering and sharing Boston’s most inspiring stories. We are all about feeling inspired and also, finding new ways to inspire people with our craft. We are two former new yorkers that have...

Deconstructing the shot

This is one of two posters that we shot for episode two of le’ bostonians, featuring the talented and always funny Kevin Driscoll together with Jerry and Doug the talking dog. I had a blast shooting with these guys, I still laugh whenever I hear Doug’s voice. For every episode, we typically just publish the...

I’m in the #FilmsupplyChallenge

I’m a very competitive person, very. My wife makes fun of that all the time, and to be honest, I don’t even notice when I’m being competitive (most of the time there’s no need to be), that being said I don’t usually compete in anything, I used to love my Judo and Tae Kwon Do competitions...

That’s a wrap on episode 3 of le’ bostonians!

We recently wrapped production on the latest episode of le’ bostonians with fashion stylist extraordinaire Tara West. In every episode is my goal to ‘peel the onion’ and find the core of the story, what moves them, what do they do what they do, and how did the get to where they are now. I’m learning...

Storytelling with new immigrants and refugees

It’s been a couple of months since I joined Community Supported Films as one of the editing mentors, and after meeting Michael Sheridan (Director of the program) I was convinced of the importance of this program, its relevance and how it was the perfect place for me to share what I know when it comes to storytelling...

I only had one film mentor.

When I was in film school in New York City (A million years ago), I had the immense fortune of learning how to edit on a 16mm Steenbeck. Yep, good ol’ film. My teacher and editing mentor who later became my close friend, Hans Dudelheim was this adorable, hilarious and brilliant film editor who taught me...

The irrational fear of failure

The irrational fear of failure can be paralyzing, It can rob you of the joy of creating and it can stunt your personal and professional growth. I know this all too well because I have been there, I’ve been that guy that didn’t take the leap because of the fear of things not turning out...

I Remember Like It Was Yesterday: Season 2

My huge interest (almost obsession at times) for nostalgic stories keeps growing as I get older, maybe one day I’ll figure out why this affinity between us is so present, but in the meantime, I’ll keep nurturing my need to listen to people’s memories, it does no harm. This is how #IRLIWY came to be,...

Why I tell stories

I was initially drawn to the visual aspect of digital storytelling, watching a well-lit scene or an expertly composed image gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, I just love beautiful visuals. I soon realized that visuals alone are an empty vessel, they are meant to serve a purpose, they exist to help tell a...

On the next episode of le’bostonians, meet Tara West.

I’m very happy with the comments, emails and positive feedback we’ve received after premiering the first two episodes of le’ bostonians, we keep searching for those great stories, that’s what we do, that’s what we live for here. We recently met our new subject for the third episode, her name is Tara West, fashion stylist,...