I Remember Like It Was Yesterday: Season 2

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My huge interest (almost obsession at times) for nostalgic stories keeps growing as I get older, maybe one day I’ll figure out why this affinity between us is so present, but in the meantime, I’ll keep nurturing my need to listen to people’s memories, it does no harm.

This is how #IRLIWY came to be, taking a camera, going to the streets and holding up a sign that reads “tell me a story, any kind of story”, and after releasing the first batch of episodes and connecting with so many people through this stories I love dearly, I’ve decided to keep going with the second season taking place in my dear city of Boston. Thank you all for the great feedback, it’s all about you connecting with the storyteller, finding those similarities with a complete stranger.

I don’t have to tell you how tense things are right now in this country, I meditate twice as much now just to keep some sanity, and I prepare myself before I engage with the daily news. It’s too much. This orange fucktard is spreading hate, divisiveness, and racial tension like is free cookies. As a filmmaker, as a citizen, as a person that continues to see the kindness and good in people, I have to do my part anyway I can, in my case video is my primary social tool to unite and to communicate.

This second season of ‘I Remember Like It Was Yesterday’ will be solely dedicated to nostalgic stories from immigrants, people that came here, became Americans and love the US, people that have taken in all the good, the bad, the horrible, and the wonderful that our country has to offer. I want the viewer to have the same warm feeling in their bellies I get when a complete stranger shares a funny grandma story, a story that’s similar to one of mine. It’s a beautiful way to connect with each other.

So season 2 of ‘I Remember Like It Was Yesterday’ is coming your way next month (Nov 2017). This might be an endless project for me and I’m really ok with that.