There is a powerful story in everyone I meet

My job most of the time is to see visualize scenarios, how do I feel something should look, how should the lighting go, the camera angles, all that good stuff, but the hardest one to figure out is the feel, what do I want the audience to feel, especially with real life-documentary type of material. Is...

Has Technology Made Filmmaking Too Easy?

Yes, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Many old-timers will tell you that the process of filmmaking is not what it used to be, everything now is so simple they say. Underexposed by one stop? Wrong white balance? Shaky footage?  Don’t worry, all easy fixes in post. The truth is that the use of...

Everything Old is New Again.

Vinyl, film, rompers, and the pompadour, everything old is new again. As a society, we lose interest in anything that we deem old, but certain trends and technologies just keep coming back, not for a lack of imagination from our designers and engineers, but because they just work. I see the same thing happening in...

I want my family to live forever in film.

Watching old movies really get to me, I love them but at the same time there’s something in my head that says “most of these people have passed away, maybe all of them”, and yes it’s kind of dark I guess, but at the same time I think how lucky they are to live forever in...

le’ bostonians, teaser: kevin driscoll

Episode 2 coming very soon! You’ll get to meet ventriloquist Kevin Driscoll.

Can we all slow down for a second?

After a decade of filmmaking, I’ve had a front row seat to the ever changing world of media and equipment, I’ve come to understand how these two things go hand-in-hand with what we get to see on social media, tv, movie theaters and streaming services. I’m gonna have a “back in my day” moment right...

Knowing yourself through storytelling

We are all storytellers, it’s part of who we are as humans. We burst into this world without a clue of what’s going on, so we start piecing together information that we later turn into stories that we tell ourselves. That’s how we make sense of this madness. As we grow up we start to...

le’ bostonians Episode 2 coming your way!

I’m having so much fun searching for new subjects for le’ bostonians all around Boston, there are so many options, and so many stories to dive into that I really hope I can carry on this project for a long time. Most recently I got to meet Kevin Driscoll, he’s a Berkeley-formed musician, he moved here...

The Value of Personal Projects

When you are hired to tell a story either to sell a product or to motivate potential investors to get behind a project that your client has worked so hard on, you are expected to deliver results. Visual storytelling has been proven to dramatically increase client engagement and conversion rates, and it’s considered by most...

Why I’ve put fiction on hold

I’ve stopped writing fiction (script for movies) since my last one called “Cachorro” (which translates to “Puppy”) went on the market a while ago, this coincided with me moving back to the US with my dear wife and having a Spanish written script in my hands. Selling a script nowadays takes a while, especially in a...