I want my family to live forever in film.

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Watching old movies really get to me, I love them but at the same time there’s something in my head that says “most of these people have passed away, maybe all of them”, and yes it’s kind of dark I guess, but at the same time I think how lucky they are to live forever in front of us. If I see a film with Brando, or with Madeline Khan,  Phillip Seymour Hoffman, or even when I see footage of John Lennon I get this unique feeling in my stomach, it feels like I knew them, like they are still alive, they’re gone but they will forever be with me through interviews and films.

I decided a long time ago to include my family in some of my work. I wanted them to also live forever, so when I got a chance to direct and write a short film they made part of the cast. My father played an out of season player buying some boner pills, one of my brothers is an extra carrying a big water bottle, my niece has a quick part as well, and my recently deceased grandmother plays a very important part right at the beginning, she gets the story going.  I wrote that part especially for her, the others I had to rehearse and took the chance on them, but with mamá was so easy, she memorized her lines right there and then, and I made sure that she was treated like a star. She felt like a famous actress, the crew was so great catering to her every need. I made a DVD of the short film for her, and she watched every single day. Shooting with her is one of the best days of my life. It meant the world to me, she was my everything.

My mom had a cameo on a TV ad I directed a while ago, but I want to get her in something again so she can get her close-up, and I’m still waiting for a chance to get my big brother in something, hopefully, I’ll get the chance soon. I love nostalgia, I love remembering, and having this footage means a whole lot to me. Every time I finish a piece a little bit of me goes with it, I guess this is me trying to share a bigger part of myself with all of you.

I love nostalgia, I love remembering, and having this footage means a whole lot to me. Every time I finish a piece a little bit of me goes with it, I guess this is me trying to share a bigger part of myself with all of you. I want them to live forever.

My little brother, such a performance, such grace.
Ladies and gents, my dad.
My little princess, my niece.
We need a better shot of my mom, that close-up is due.