The sweet science

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In recent posts, we have been talking about our work with Tara West and how we are collaborating with her to expand her YouTube channel content. Tara has set out to interview many movers and shakers in the city of Boston, trying to find out what role fashion plays in their daily lives. These assignments have taken us to many beautiful locations, from an art gallery in Newbury St. to a painter’s loft in Southie.

Our latest shoot, however, was less about the arts and more about science, the sweet science to be specific. We drove to 15 Channel Center St by the Seaport district and stepped into the EverybodyFights boxing gym. As soon as you walk into this place you can tell that it is a purpose-built facility, this is Disney World for the boxing enthusiast! At the center of it all, you have two beautifully lit boxing rings surrounded by heavy bags, kettlebells and rowing machines. The place is dimly lit, with spotlights and accent lights where appropriate.

After a brief wait, we were greeted by our subject George Foreman III, a.k.a. “Monk”. A soft-spoken, mild-mannered, mountain of a man. He is the definition of a gentle giant. Once we set up our cameras and microphones for the interview, Tara and George started talking and you could tell right away that you were in the presence of a man on a mission. From his undefeated boxing record to his 3 (soon to be 4) top of the line boxing gyms, you know that George means business.

George shared his life story, offered great business advice and explained why he always dresses in black. I can’t wait to share this interview with you!