Why I’ve put fiction on hold

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I’ve stopped writing fiction (script for movies) since my last one called “Cachorro” (which translates to “Puppy”) went on the market a while ago, this coincided with me moving back to the US with my dear wife and having a Spanish written script in my hands. Selling a script nowadays takes a while, especially in a world where many are shooting ‘micro budget’ films, whatever that means, with no real channels of traditional distribution, but I’m still in the process of getting the script sold back home.

When I came across comedian Wendi Starling while residing in NYC a couple of years ago, everything changed for me, I went from being a huge fan of documentaries to directing my own in no time. Since then I’ve finished the doc and it’ll be in theaters in March 2018 (www.funnypains.com), and I’ve started to work more with non-fiction projects like le’ bostonians and I Remember Like It Was Yesterday. Something in me woke up, not sure how to explain it, but for some time now I feel way more attracted to real life content than creating a fictional world and developing interesting and complex characters for a movie script.

I’ve cut waaaay down on the shows I was seeing, I’m trying to be more in the present, read more like I used to, and just look around more and trying to take in how majestic an old tree can be, or how a kid’s laughter can take over the honking cars in downtown Boston, and sometimes I find myself taking in an old song to a different place in my heart.

Not sure if this is a phase in my career, I do enjoy writing scripts a lot as I get to know a lot about myself in the process, but I’ve opened my eyes to a new world around me, to the people surrounding me on the streets, at the office, in my building, everywhere. This world, our world, is filled with amazing, funny, dark and difficult stories that connect us all, each and every one of us weaved together.

There’s so much beauty, pain, and love to be capture, and I happen to have a camera on my hands.