Artfully Rare – A virtual art gallery

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For the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure to work on a project with an institution that stopped being a client and became family to me, Beyond The Diagnosis. Beyond the Diagnosis unites art and science to inspireĀ research and innovation of treatments for people living with rareĀ and neglected diseases. It’s a beautiful, honest, and hardworking organization led by the fearless Patricia Weltin, a woman that has worked her butt off and then some to generate awareness for rare diseases. Being a parent of 2 wonderful young women that live with a rare disease, Patty (as we all call her) has solely taken this institution to great heights, so for me, having worked with her for about 5 years now this is a special moment for me.

As Covid has messed up every single plan we all had, for rare disease day (February 28th) it was impossible to get together an exhibit or even a single unveiling. This is when Patty’s mind goes to work! She came up with the idea of doing a virtual gallery for this day, she was not going to allow a pandemic to slow her down in her quest to put a spotlight on her life’s work. So, we got to work, we brainstormed, and quickly knew what we were going to do.

The final product is a pristine and beautiful gallery filled with majestic works of art by a plethora of superb artists. I’m very proud of this, building the gallery from scratch, the website, and the promo for the event. I’m even prouder of being part of the Beyond the Diagnosis family. Teaming up with Patty, Olivia, and Hanna (her amazing daughters) makes every single project an experience that I treasure.

Go check it out at and you can learn more about Beyond the Diagnosis at